Estudio predictivo de contrataciones vía Modelos Econométricos de Elección Binaria y Machine Learning
Trabajo de Máster Universitario en Economía, Finanzas y Computación (2022-23). Tutor: Dr. Dº. Nicola Rubino. Information technology and big data processing are tools that can be applied to almost any field or industry. In this master’s thesis, machine learning techniques, econometric models, and big data processing techniques will be used in the field of labour studies. The tool which I will be using to execute these techniques and models is Python. The goal will be firstly, to process the dataset and to validate and exploit it through statistical techniques and econometric models. Secondly, we are going to employ some classification techniques through Machine Learning. Finally, I will show my conclusions on the exercise, which are oriented to have utility for professional and research goals. The aim of this study is ultimately to analyse job seekers features to compare them to each other and determine if they are ideally employable, or not, using Machine Learning and Econometrics.
Trabajo de Máster Universitario en Economía, Finanzas y Computación (2022-23). Tutor: Dr. Dº. Nicola Rubino. Information technology and big data processing are tools that can be applied to almost any field or industry. In this master’s thesis, machine learning techniques, econometric models, and big data processing techniques will be used in the field of labour studies. The tool which I will be using to execute these techniques and models is Python. The goal will be firstly, to process the dataset and to validate and exploit it through statistical techniques and econometric models. Secondly, we are going to employ some classification techniques through Machine Learning. Finally, I will show my conclusions on the exercise, which are oriented to have utility for professional and research goals. The aim of this study is ultimately to analyse job seekers features to compare them to each other and determine if they are ideally employable, or not, using Machine Learning and Econometrics.