Diseño e implementación de un cuadro de mandos en CRM Analytics
Palabra(s) clave
Trabajo Fin de Máster en Big Data (2022-23). Tutor: Dr. D. Jesús Medina Moreno. This project describes how to create a reporting model with CRM Analytics, for a company that has Salesforce implemented as a CRM. The main objective is to collect all the information generated by the company and store it in different datasets. All this to visually represent all the data so that the company is able to make objective decisions much more quickly and be able to relate data from different sources to extract valuable insights. It will be carried out as a practical case of a dashboard in CRM Analytics for a utilities company.
Trabajo Fin de Máster en Big Data (2022-23). Tutor: Dr. D. Jesús Medina Moreno. This project describes how to create a reporting model with CRM Analytics, for a company that has Salesforce implemented as a CRM. The main objective is to collect all the information generated by the company and store it in different datasets. All this to visually represent all the data so that the company is able to make objective decisions much more quickly and be able to relate data from different sources to extract valuable insights. It will be carried out as a practical case of a dashboard in CRM Analytics for a utilities company.