Análisis de segmentación de clientes en ventas minoristas mediante aprendizaje automático
Trabajo Fin de Máster en Big Data (2022-23). Tutores: Dr. D. Diego Marín Santos ; Dr. D. Manuel Emilio Gegúndez Arias. In the retail sector, customer segmentation plays a pivotal role in understanding buying behavior and designing effective marketing strategies. This study addresses an analysis of consumer goods sales in a retail establishment using unsupervised machine learning techniques. With a dataset containing over 64.000 transactions from 22.000 customers over the course of a year, algorithms like K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering, and DBSCAN are applied to segment the store's audience based on recency, frequency, and investment. A valuable insight into purchase patterns and customer loyalty is provided, offering potential for enhancing business strategies in the retail sector.
Trabajo Fin de Máster en Big Data (2022-23). Tutores: Dr. D. Diego Marín Santos ; Dr. D. Manuel Emilio Gegúndez Arias. In the retail sector, customer segmentation plays a pivotal role in understanding buying behavior and designing effective marketing strategies. This study addresses an analysis of consumer goods sales in a retail establishment using unsupervised machine learning techniques. With a dataset containing over 64.000 transactions from 22.000 customers over the course of a year, algorithms like K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering, and DBSCAN are applied to segment the store's audience based on recency, frequency, and investment. A valuable insight into purchase patterns and customer loyalty is provided, offering potential for enhancing business strategies in the retail sector.