Beyond Annotation : Learning through Close Reading of Media Texts
Palabra(s) clave
Virtual seminar, integrated into the Plan's program "Formación de Profesorado de la UNIA de 2021-22", Kurt Fendt (Senior Lectures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA). Agenda: 1. Why Annotation?: History and praxis of annotation; Forms of annotation; Its connection to writing & learning. 2. Pedagofical Value of Annotation: Close reading vs. distant reading; Deeper engagement of learners; Students as editors/scholars. 3. Annotation in the Classroom: Three case studies; Annotation platforms; Annotation Studio (examples). 4. Beyond Annotation: Closing the reading annotation writing cycle; Discussion of integration of annotation into the classroom.
Virtual seminar, integrated into the Plan's program "Formación de Profesorado de la UNIA de 2021-22", Kurt Fendt (Senior Lectures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA). Agenda: 1. Why Annotation?: History and praxis of annotation; Forms of annotation; Its connection to writing & learning. 2. Pedagofical Value of Annotation: Close reading vs. distant reading; Deeper engagement of learners; Students as editors/scholars. 3. Annotation in the Classroom: Three case studies; Annotation platforms; Annotation Studio (examples). 4. Beyond Annotation: Closing the reading annotation writing cycle; Discussion of integration of annotation into the classroom.