Non-detriment findings for Cedrela odorata from Suriname
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Trabajo Fin de Máster Propio. Tutores: Dra. Dª Margarita Africa Clemente Muñoz ; Dr. Mr. Noel McGough. One of the requirements established in the text of the convention for the regulation of trade in specimen of species included in Appendix II, is that a Scientific Authority from the exporting member country declares that an export, import and/or re-export will not harm the survival in the wild of a CITES-regulated species. These analysis and evaluation mechanism is known as ‘non detriment finding’ (NDF). The proposal for the inclusion of Cedrela odorata, as well as the other inclusion of all other species of the genus Cedrela (for reasons of similarity) in CITES Appendix II was adopted with annotation #6 (Neotropical populations) at the eighteenth meeting of the Conference of Parties to the CITES (CoP18) held in 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland and entered into force on August 28, 2020. Suriname as a range state for the Cedrela odorata and exporting country of this species ...
Trabajo Fin de Máster Propio. Tutores: Dra. Dª Margarita Africa Clemente Muñoz ; Dr. Mr. Noel McGough. One of the requirements established in the text of the convention for the regulation of trade in specimen of species included in Appendix II, is that a Scientific Authority from the exporting member country declares that an export, import and/or re-export will not harm the survival in the wild of a CITES-regulated species. These analysis and evaluation mechanism is known as ‘non detriment finding’ (NDF). The proposal for the inclusion of Cedrela odorata, as well as the other inclusion of all other species of the genus Cedrela (for reasons of similarity) in CITES Appendix II was adopted with annotation #6 (Neotropical populations) at the eighteenth meeting of the Conference of Parties to the CITES (CoP18) held in 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland and entered into force on August 28, 2020. Suriname as a range state for the Cedrela odorata and exporting country of this species needs to make an Non-detriment Findings in order to export this species. The nine-step process to support CITES Scientific Authorities making science-based non-detriment findings (NDFs) for timber/tree species listed in CITES Appendix II, Version 3.0. For the purpose of this thesis the 9 Steps NDF Guidance on Timber were applied on a generic basis to Cedrela odorata exports using available data for a desk analysis. This approach was thought to be beneficial as it would help identify both strengths and weaknesses in the system. For the actual application of the NDF to a CITES permit application it would need an appropriate inventory data and detailed information on the source of the material and management of the actual concession any export is source of. Some of these data can be collected from a harvest plan. The result of this thesis will serve as a framework for making an NDF, which identifies area where key data is required. Due to the lack of data on population and distribution a general analysis with the available data from SBB was done with a precautionary result positive NDF with conditions. It is hoped that this analysis will help set the framework for future NDF’s.