Cuidadores familiares en entornos rurales : redes de apoyo y desafíos
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Trabajo Fin de Máster en Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada (2023-24). Tutora: Dra. Dª. Eugenia Gil García. In the sociodemographic field and taking into account the predictions about progressive aging, if current demographic trends were maintained, it means that in 2037 the population aged 65 years and over would be 26% of the Spanish population (INE) This percentage, together with the increase in chronicity, the dependency that it generates and the need for highly complex care, presents a scenario in which the family assumes care with a high degree of variability with respect to the quantity and quality of care, influencing the training and involvement of the caregiver, the place of residence and the support networks and available social and health resources. Objective: Identify the support networks and resources available for family caregivers in rural areas, areas that present a deficit regarding social and health resources. Determine the influence that limited or non-existent resources have on the provision of care and its quality.
Trabajo Fin de Máster en Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada (2023-24). Tutora: Dra. Dª. Eugenia Gil García. In the sociodemographic field and taking into account the predictions about progressive aging, if current demographic trends were maintained, it means that in 2037 the population aged 65 years and over would be 26% of the Spanish population (INE) This percentage, together with the increase in chronicity, the dependency that it generates and the need for highly complex care, presents a scenario in which the family assumes care with a high degree of variability with respect to the quantity and quality of care, influencing the training and involvement of the caregiver, the place of residence and the support networks and available social and health resources. Objective: Identify the support networks and resources available for family caregivers in rural areas, areas that present a deficit regarding social and health resources. Determine the influence that limited or non-existent resources have on the provision of care and its quality.