Silastic y septoplastia
Palabra(s) clave
Trabajo fin de Máster de Formación Permanente en Rinología Avanzada y Base de Cráneo Anterior (2021-22). Directores: Dr. D. Serafín Sánchez ; Ramón Luna ; Tutor: Dr. D. Juan Manuel Maza Solano. Introduction: The use of silastic sheets in septoplasty has been documented for several decades. A systematic review was carried out to assess the benefits in healing the mucosa and the symptoms of obstruction and discomfort in patients. Objective: It is intended to demonstrate the relevance of the use of silastic sheets to prevent perforations and/or synechiae of the nasal mucosa when septoplasty is performed. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out that included all the articles that address the subject. To carry out the search, the "PubMed" database was consulted, including the terms (silastic) AND (septoplasty). The characteristics identified in each of the articles are analyzed categorically, allowing the generation of a narrative description of the potential of the technique. Results: The silastic nasal splint was effective in preventing the formation of intranasal adhesions and had a significant positive effect on the healing process of the septal mucosa after septoplasty. Conclusions: It was evidenced that, in the last decade, regardless of the study methodology, success was reported in the prevention of complications and in the healing process of the septal mucosa with the use of silastic splints applied immediately after the septoplasty of the septum. systematic way.
Trabajo fin de Máster de Formación Permanente en Rinología Avanzada y Base de Cráneo Anterior (2021-22). Directores: Dr. D. Serafín Sánchez ; Ramón Luna ; Tutor: Dr. D. Juan Manuel Maza Solano. Introduction: The use of silastic sheets in septoplasty has been documented for several decades. A systematic review was carried out to assess the benefits in healing the mucosa and the symptoms of obstruction and discomfort in patients. Objective: It is intended to demonstrate the relevance of the use of silastic sheets to prevent perforations and/or synechiae of the nasal mucosa when septoplasty is performed. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out that included all the articles that address the subject. To carry out the search, the "PubMed" database was consulted, including the terms (silastic) AND (septoplasty). The characteristics identified in each of the articles are analyzed categorically, allowing the generation of a narrative description of the potential of the technique. Results: The silastic nasal splint was effective in preventing the formation of intranasal adhesions and had a significant positive effect on the healing process of the septal mucosa after septoplasty. Conclusions: It was evidenced that, in the last decade, regardless of the study methodology, success was reported in the prevention of complications and in the healing process of the septal mucosa with the use of silastic splints applied immediately after the septoplasty of the septum. systematic way.